According to the BBC, a Sudanese man was forced to take a goat as his wife after he was caught having sex with the animal. In an unrelated story, the Canadian federal Tories have been caught in several more lies this week, including Transport Minister Lawrence Cannon who hid his travel expenses, John Baird who tried to arrest a whistle-blower who decried his government's laughable environmental policies and this from a government with the gaul to introduce a new accountability bill. I think that the above-mentioned goat probably feels the same way as many Canadians do about this government. Oh yeah, did I mention the Tory 3 amigos impersonator, the psychic and the 9/11 freak? Canadians have every right to be disappointed in the Conservatives, and besides, at least the goat owner got $50!
Dear pumpernickel. Heh heh heh.
Nice to see the goat owner was compensated!
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