Friday, May 18, 2007

The Obstructionists Handbook

Don Martin, in today's Calgary Herald describes in a secret handbook on committees for Conservative MPs how to unleash chaos while chairing parliamentary committees.

Does someone remember them pining about decorum? A minority government acting with arrogance as though it reflects the will of the majority of Canadians.

Their secret manual runs some 200 pages, the document given only to Conservative chairmen tells them how to favour government agendas, select party-friendly witnesses, coach favourable testimony, set in motion debate-obstructing delays and, if necessary, storm out of meetings to grind business to a halt.
Government Whip Jay Hill called Tory chairs to his office for a refresher course on advancing the government agenda over opposition objections. A source at that meeting told Martin that Hill "lavished praise on the chairs who caused disruptions and admonished those who prefer to lead through consensus."

The Cons new campaign slogan, "Not getting things done for Canadians."

1 comment:

Pawlina said...

Might this be right-wing pols taking a page out of Henry David Thoreau's book?