Saturday, August 26, 2006

Obamamania sweeping the country

I have a lot of time for Barack Obama. He is young, bright and a glimmer of hope for the blue team. Having said that, I think that he needs some maturing and I would advise against a run for President in 2008. Although, as the NY Times notes today here, he may be getting some practise in his father's country of birth - Kenya.

At the very least, a Presidential hopeful talking about AIDS, Darfur and the evils of Mugabe and failings of the Bush administration, well that's not bad at all. Let's see if the rest of the American public can figure out what the people of Kenya and Illinois have already discovered...

1 comment:

Sidorenko said...

Unfortunately most Americans have no idea where Kenya is. For that matter there's probably a percentage that don't know where Illinois is.