Friday, August 04, 2006

Growing up Canadian

One of the truly remarkable things about growing up in Canada was the high quality children's programming on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC). Ernie Coombs was excellent as Mr. Dress-up (not about drag queens even though it featured the tickle trunk) and Bob Homme as Friendly Giant (above), may they both rest in peace.

There was always one thing that annoyed and perplexed me about Finegan, the dog who was Casey's sidekick on Mr. Dress-up. Why is it that when Finegan spoke, only Casey could hear him? We could all hear Aunt Bird.

On Friendly Giant, we could all hear Jerome the giraffe and Rusty the rooster who would amuse us with their hilarious banter.

Casey seen here doing a monologue

While I understand that there are whistles which can only be heard by dogs, can someone please explain this phenomenon to me?

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