Sunday, March 25, 2007

Quebec Election - ADQ candidate named Xenophobia

ADQ leader Mario Dumont has been fending off charges that his candidates are a bunch of genocide deniers, anti-semites and well...losers.
Imagine how Chomedy ADQ candidate Phani Papachristou felt when Super Mario could not even remember her name during a visit to a Montreal radio station. While doing an interview at the Radio énergie morning show, the hosts tested his knowledge of ADQ candidates by flashing photos them and asking him to name them.
He got half a few right before Papachristou’s pic came up and he was stumped. He recognized her as the Chomedy candidate, but just couldn’t come up with her name. To make matters worse, he said that all he knew is that he couldn’t pronounce it.

As they say in Quebec, Phani will never be pur laine.

h/t AR

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