Friday, November 23, 2007

Ukraine Remembers - The World Acknowledges 75th commemoration of the Holodomor Famine Genocide 1932-1933

Ukraine Remembers -The World Acknowledges
75th Commemoration Of The Holodomor 1932-1933
"Induced Starvation, Death for Millions, Genocide"
Light A Candle of Memory, Saturday, November 24, 2007

"With due respect, I call on all Ukrainians and all people of goodwill regardless of their backgrounds to light on November 24 the candles of memory of the Holodomor victims on all our planet.Bring the flames of truth to every nation and every country. All your candles will help form a single candle which we will light in November 2008.
This candle will become an eternal and ever burning symbol of our grief for the millions of starved brother and sisters, of our unity and our faith in the unconquerable strength of the Ukrainian people. Our duty is to unite the efforts and make everything possible to ensure that these tragic pages of history will be never forgotten. Ukraine to Remember! The World to Recognize!"
Viktor Yushchenko, President of Ukraine