Friday, November 17, 2006

The ring of Jackboots...

Well, it was with some surprise to me that the good folks at Google who had been hassling me to sign up for their Ad service as a way to make some cash off the traffic on my site suspended my account. I had passed the fifty dollar mark in 3 months and was informed that my PIN number was being mailed to me.

At this rate I could expect my first cheque 10 months from now and was nowhere close to receiving any money. Anyways, a friend asks me why I posted ads for political candidates and parties that I am not endorsing, so I explained to her that I had signed on to googgle's ads program and that I had not seen any cash and how it works in theory is that you are supposed to get money for clicks on your ads. Needless to say she went through my sight and enjoyed the ads. Without warning (add Strauss music here) the mothership disqualified me and placed an ominous "You are not authorized to view this page" banner on the top of my blog.

Can anyone recommend another blog hosting operation that is less heavy handed in its pursuit of $500 per share stock valuations?

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