Monday, September 11, 2006

Stick a fork in Lord...

My Liberal friends in New Brunswick are telling me that it is time to stick a fork in Bernard Lord's pompous government, they're done.

And nowhere has this been more evident than in last week's leader's debate where the Premier looked like a deer caught in the headlights over persistent heat from NB Liberal leader Shawn Graham.

I love the following account from the CBC:

"During a particularly heated discussion, Graham said the Orimulsion boondoggle has the potential to cost every New Brunswick household $8,000, and demanded to know whether Lord would apologize for the mess, as Saint John Conservative candidate Peter Hyslop suggested someone should.

"This is the most costly mistake in New Brunswick history," Graham said, gesturing across the podium. "The buck stops at the top, Mr. Lord. Are you prepared to apologize to the people of New Brunswick?"

Lord, 40, did not answer the question."

It looks like the people of New Brunswick will take the opportunity to express what New Brunswickers have been telling me for a long time. Bernie Lord is more popular in Ottawa than in Fredericton. This is sure to fuel speculation about him jumping ship to play in the big tub with Steve...