Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Canon tops list of Green Companies, CBS and Burger King last

According to a recent report, Canon, Nike and Unilever topped a list rating climate-friendly companies released on Tuesday.
There was a cluster at the bottom of the list of 56 companies. Six tied for last, with a score of zero on a 100-point scale -- Jones Apparel Group Inc., CBS Corp., Burger King Holdings Inc., Darden Restaurants Inc., Wendy's International Inc. and
Once again, consumers can vote with their wallets. Personally, I am boycotting Burger King because they suck.


Terroni said...

I can boycott Wendys and Burger King, because their food does suck.

I have two orders on the way from, though. I do much of my gift-giving from that site, so I may just have to get a solar panel or something to balance it out.

Unless Amazon doesn't sell solar panels, in which case, I'm screwed.

Brooke - Little Miss Moi said...

Dear pumpernickel. Amazon? Why? Because their consumers must use the interweb..? It's not like they manufacture. Or am I just dumb and missing sumfing?

pumpernickel said...

I checked the actual survey here
the reason is that they do nothing to address the issue - at all.

Brooke - Little Miss Moi said...

Dear pumpernickel. ahh ok. But does that beg the question that a company's enviro CSR activity should be directly proportional to how much the fuck up the earth? Because I would say Amazon is totally low impact compared to someone like Canon, so why should their name be dragged through the mud because they don't publicly display information about what they do for the environment?

Eek rant alert, but I don't want to think badly of the only company that delivers decent english books and DVDs to my door... Amazon is my number one brand :( well, not really, but you know what I mean..