Monday, June 18, 2007

Canada's government`s taxpayer subsidized NASCAR ads

Canada`s Conservative Party has decided to sponsor a NASCAR driver: one Pierre Bourque, whose headlines for sale scheme has been discussed here before.

I am not sure how to react: On the one hand, it demonstrates that Harper is out of tune with Quebecers by advertising NASCAR as opposed to Formula 1, whereas Tory Cabinet Minister Diane Finley says:``The people who follow NASCAR are our kind of people. They're hard-working families, they're taxpayers who play by the rules. " As opposed to what?

At the same time, I am eager to find out what seniors who are making small donations to the Con party feel about their money subsidizing NASCAR.

I can only imagine the Tory damage control the first time Bourque runs out of gas or crashes into a wall.

1 comment:

Sheena said...

:``The people who follow NASCAR are our kind of people. They're hard-working families, they're taxpayers who play by the rules. " As opposed to what?

umm.... as opposed to Canadians, I guess.