Monday, April 16, 2007

Over 20 dead at Virginia Tech

My sympathy goes out the the victims' families of the mass murder at Virgian Tech. this morning.

Ecole Polytechnique, Columbine, Dawson College and now Virginia Tech. As I said last fall when the shooting took place at Montreal's Dawson College, when will we learn that guns kill people and people with guns kill people.

The Ecole Polytechnique mass murder prompted tighter gun laws, including the creation of the National firearms registry. I remember how horrified I was on December 6, 1989, and today's events, like those at awson College stirred up those same emotions.

Now, more than ever, we need to step up action to control these guns that are robbing young people of their futures.

As we saw in Bowling for Columbine, I guess this means that the NRA will be visiting Virginia Tech soon enough.


Brooke - Little Miss Moi said...

Dear pumpernickel. After the Port Arthur Massacre in Australia - which was just so unprecedented - our already very tight gun laws changed dramatically and the government launched a huge buy-back campaign. I think America has too many guns, and the attitude to them is wrong. Constitutional? Bring on back to the future and send them back to the wild wild west of the 1880s.

pumpernickel said...

Well, our Conservative government is talking about weakening our gun laws here in Canada. I think the hysteria around the 2nd amendment to the US Constitution (dealing with the right to bare arms) is a misunderstanding due to poor spelling, and was really about short-sleeved shirts and not assault rifles. :)
