Monday, January 07, 2008

Ukrainian Christmas

Merry Christmas to all. Back from spending Ukrainian Christmas Eve and Christmas at Baba's House in Montreal. Best moment was when my daughter announced that she "loved Baba sooo much." Khrystos Narodyvsya!

Back here in Canada's capital where on the 10th anniversary of the great ice storm, fog seriously reduced visibility on the drive back and has played havoc with all incoming and outgoing flights from Ottawa.

Finally, while I was away:

Larry the mayor guy was charged with influence peddling in a bizarre bribery scandal which allegedly involves a federal appointment.

Barack Obama has opened up a lead in New Hampshire. I have come to the conclusion that Hillary is neither inspiring nor likable and it appears that many American Democrats, independents and Republicans agree.

1 comment:

Sheena said...

I hope you celebrated Malanka in style last night.