Thursday, January 18, 2007

Congress at Work

In Congress
Here, the Huffington Post has a great article about the amount of progress that the Democratically held Congress has made in its first 100 hours of sitting. Well let's just see how long it lasts.

In the House of Commons
Why is it that when Stephane Dion says that he will not defeat the Budget before seeing it, Canadian media accuse him of blinking?

In the New York House of Assembly
NY state Rep Aurelia Greene is proposing a bill that would prevent the sale of some video games to those under the age of 30. The bill would stop all violent games being sold to youngsters under the age of ...30.

Put aside for a moment that people are considered old enough to smoke, vote, join the army at 18, drink at 21 (in NY) and they can even rent a car at 25, but they cannot buy a video game. I don't know what is more pathetic: the prospect of a thirty year old buying the video game for an "under aged adult" or thirty-year-olds buying the games for themselves. This bill, if passed, may push the cartoon violence of video games onto the real streets. What a colossal waste of time!

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