Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I've done it

I am leaving the never ending winter of Ottawa and have booked a ticket for balmy Kyiv, Ukraine for early March.

Friday, February 22, 2008

This just in...

While the flat Earth Society has endorsed PM Steve's view of the World, the magazine Nature has this to say in its editorial about the Conservatives “manifest disregard for science”:

“Science has long faced an uphill battle for recognition in Canada, but the slope became steeper when the Conservative government was elected in 2006,” the editorial says.

That's what happens when you have a Cabinet full of climate change deniers and one minister in particular who believes that humans and dinosaurs roamed the earth together.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Barack's knock out punch

Coming on the heels of victories in Maine, Washington, Nebraska and Louisiana, Obama receives this endorsement from the Raging Bull himself, Mr. Robert De Niro.

Pretty awesome in my books...

Wednesday, February 06, 2008


Stayed up too late to watch the American primaries and Caucuses and Super Duper Tuesday didn't disappoint.

My take on the evening is that everyone, except Mitt Romney has something to be pleased about this morning.

Obama - won 13 states in every region of the country and is leading in New Mexico with 92 % reporting, in a dead heat for delegates.

Clinton - Cauterized the wound and has stopped the bleeding. Won in big and important states like NY, California and Massachussetts.

McCain - is now the frontrunner with impressive wins in important states.

Huckabee - improves his standing to #2 contender in this three person race.

If only Canadian politics were this entertaining. We're stuck watching Conservatives pile up scandal after scandal from bungling nuclear safety to the sleaze of the Finance Minister issuing untendered contracts to the PM's press secretary lobbying for contractors...